  1. Poseidon

From the recording The Emergent Sea

1st written in 1980, Poseidon is one of my earliest songs. Rewritten many times before reaching this version in 1990. After playing it with the Montreal band quite often, it was put away for the longest time and finally dusted it off again when I was thinking of sea-theme songs for this album. It is a crowd favorite, can't believe I ignored it for so long. Definite Celtic influence musically, the feel was inspired by the West Coast of B.C. more than Ireland, and the fact that it has something to say about the arrogance of modern technology in the face of a vast and powerful nature does tie it to Canada thematically too. Like many of my songs, the She is just a muse and not an actual person. Sorry!  Though dealing with love lost, and the power of the sea, it gained a lot of resonance among listeners in Japan after the 2011 tsunami. 


Poseidon: Lyrics
1. I pace the sand near our driftwood home, but there's no sign of you on this beach that I comb. The sea gave to me this shelter to turn to, by my house is empty without the love of you.
2. Since ancient times we've cut the cedar and the pines and tried to tame the waves, but she laughed at the myths of the past and bragged about being brave.
3.Branches snap and the waves they thunder as the Nor' Wester' blows aground; I search the strand, but she's nowhere to be found. No boat, no trace of flotsam, washes back to me; my heart's so foggy that my soul can't see.
4. The wind whistles as it blows through the humped back firs. No jib, no main, no, there ain't no sign of her. Better t've drowned, then be here coast bound, such are the thoughts I sieve; my bones remain on shore, my soul grieves out at sea.
5. The good sea has brought us gifts and arts from far away; the fruits of civilization, hey, the ocean feeds us everyday! Plenty of fish for many a dish, for once pleasant us, but you my dear are now the plate of Poseidon's stormy lusts!
6. (instrumental 2 lines)Modern ships may mock the waves, but now as in ancient days, Poseidon still giveth and he still taketh away!.